What makes the army different (English Version) Rakshak News 30 Jan 19


What makes the army different? (English Version) Rakshak News 30 Jan 19
There are a host of central forces (including Central Armed Police and the army) all wearing uniform, maybe different in shades, however similar in combat fatigues, yet their performance and outlook is vastly different. While each was raised for a separate task, yet in many cases they operate together in tough spots. The men who form a part of all central forces, including the army, come from similar backgrounds, in some cases from same families, yet the behaviour and motivation of the army soldier is different. Those who join any of the central forces are put through near identical training, need the same qualifications to enrol, yet once in, their attitudes are different.
This despite that amongst all central forces, the army soldier is the most disadvantaged as he retires the earliest, yet he remains the most different, both in and out of uniform. The soldier retires from 35 years upwards, depending on his rank, while all other central forces retire around 58.
What makes the Indian army soldier stand out in this mass of forces, which together are responsible for national security. The reasons are basically motivation, camaraderie, leadership and trust in the hierarchy.
Motivation flows from the training pattern where soldiers are exposed to the history and glory of the regiment and battalion created by the supreme sacrifices of their predecessors, which have led to the forging of traditions. The are motivated to believe that any action which can mar the image of the battalion is sacrilege. For them, the honour of the regiment and battalion is paramount.
Camaraderie is when all who serve together, share the same dangers, risks and shortfalls. It also convinces the soldier that in case anything happens to him, it is his regiment and battalion which would care for his family and ensure they face no hardships. Faith, belief and pride in the regiment, alongside camaraderie pushes the soldier to make the ultimate sacrifice in case the situation so demands. There have umpteen instances when a soldier has risked life and limb to ensure his comrades remain secure.
Leadership, especially at the junior officer level remains the main strength of the army. The high ratio of officer to soldier deaths in operations in the Indian army is indicative of the officer leading from the front. Officers and soldiers share the same facilities, difficulties and risks, hence the bonding between the leader and the led, is immense.
Having watched his officers lead, the soldier becomes aware that those who now occupy higher rungs in the service have risen through the same ladder, climbing step by step. It makes him realize that for them his welfare and needs are priority. This makes him act without questioning or challenging directions which flow from the top. It is this trust which is the hallmark of the service. In other central forces the top hierarchy is imported from the IPS, thus breaking this trust as they have neither faced similar hardships nor fought shoulder to shoulder with the men they command.
Military training, exposure to operations and promotions based on experience and capability makes each soldier a leader of men. The army therefore is an organization which trains leaders and leads leaders. Its cadre rises from within and hence the bonding and trust is far better. This is the what differentiates the army from any other central police force.
The army has no choice but to create such an environment as it cannot fail. It is the last bastion of the country and looked upon when all else has failed. It is the element which provides security to enable internal development. It remains the protector of national institutions ensuring the common Indian feels secure and protected. It has never sought credit for its role and tasks but only good wishes and blessings of the national public. This is why the army is different from all other central forces.

About the Author

Maj Gen Harsha Kakkar

Retired Major General Indian Army

2 thoughts on “What makes the army different (English Version) Rakshak News 30 Jan 19

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      खूशबू यूँ ही नहीं फैली है मेरे वतन के आसमान में,

      बहुत चन्दन जलाया है इसने सरहदो के शमशान में
      Hats Off To U People…
      You People Are Valuable assets Of Our This Beautiful Nation.
      Army is Different From The Rest Of The Forces As its always been The last resort of GOI Whenever Situation Arises.
      I’m A Hardcore Army Aspirant & 2nd Year Engineering Student.
      just 2 Years And I’ll Be In IMA….
      Will Be Part Of Most Prestigious Organization Of This Beautiful Nation…
      Proud Of You People .
      Thank You Jai Hind

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