The nation must stay united in a crisis Sainya Sandesh Magazine Aug 2020

The nation must stay united in a crisis Sainya Sandesh Magazine Aug 2020

The nation must stay united in a crisis Sainya Sandesh Magazine Aug 2020           The Indo-China standoff is now in its third month. There is some progress in disengagement with both sides moving back in some regions and creating buffer zones. This does not signal the end of the stalemate and lowering of guard. Military talks are in the foreground, […]

A year of ups and downs in national security (English version) Amar Ujala 15 Aug 2020

A year of ups and downs in national security (English version) Amar Ujala 15 Aug 2020 A year of ups and downs in national security 15 Aug 2020           The past one year has witnessed a few major reforms in management of defence as well as the Chinese standoff. The first announcement on reforms was made by the Prime Minister from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Independence Day last year. He fulfilled a […]

Reassessing national security post Chinese incursions CENJOWS 06 Jul 2020

Reassessing national security post Chinese incursions CENJOWS 06 Jul 2020 Reassessing national security post Chinese incursions 06 Jul 2020 The armed forces maintained by any nation are not showpieces or a means of displaying its economic power, but a necessity to face challenges to its ideology, culture and way of life. Economic growth is dependent on national security and vice versa. For India, with two nuclear powered adversaries along […]

Pension bill can be cut if government has the will The Statesman 26 May 2020

Pension bill can be cut if government has the will The Statesman 26 May 2020 Pension bill can be cut if government has the will 26 May 2020           The new scheme, proposed by the army, termed as ‘Tour of Duty’ envisaging a shorter service tenure without liability for pension and other benefits, has been mandated by the compulsion to curtail the pension bill while enhancing funds for modernization. In the annual budget, pensions […]

Indigenous defence procurement CENJOWS 19 May 2020

Indigenous defence procurement CENJOWS 19 May 2020 Indigenous defence procurement 19 May 2020           Last weekend, the finance minister announced sweeping reforms in defence manufacture and procurement. She enhanced FDI in defence manufacturing from 49 to 74%. She laid emphasis on introduction of indigenous production, rather than imports. She stated the department of military affairs headed by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) would release an […]

Looking beyond the Coronavirus The Excelsior 07 May 2020

Looking beyond the Coronavirus The Excelsior 07 May 2020

Looking beyond the Coronavirus Looking beyond the Coronavirus 07 May 2020           India is slowly flattening the curve of the Coronavirus. The national leadership is aware that increased lockdowns would only slow the spread of the virus, not stop it. While in some states the lockdown would persist for a while as there continues to be multiple hotspots, in most […]

India’s approach to the virus The Statesman 21 Apr 2020

India’s approach to the virus The Statesman 21 Apr 2020 India’s approach to the virus 21 Apr 2020           Coronavirus has impacted human life in a manner unseen for a century. Huge numbers of infected have shaken even advanced health care systems. A few nations, which acted timely, have been able to control its spread. This despite inaccurate inputs and data from China, where it originated. Current research indicates […]

How mass exodus from cities will hurt India The Statesman 31 Mar 2020

How mass exodus from cities will hurt India The Statesman 31 Mar 2020 How mass exodus from cities will hurt India 31 Mar 2020           What began as a trickle ended as a flow. The exodus of migrant workers from Delhi, thousands and thousands of them rushed to leave the city, fearing for their lives, worried, insecure and uncertain on their future. While many would have been daily wage earners, some had […]