Making the NIA powerful (English version) Amar Ujala 18 Jul 19

Making the NIA powerful (English version) Amar Ujala 18 Jul 19 Making the NIA powerful (English version) Amar Ujala 18 Jul 19 The National Investigation Agency (NIA) was created after the Mumbai terror attacks, under the NIA act of 2008. Its main role initially was to investigate terror incidents in India, and it was designated as the central counter terrorism law enforcement agency. It was empowered to deal with terror […]

Will Nirmala signal a change in defence allocations (English Version) 27 Jun 19

Will Nirmala signal a change in defence allocations (English Version) 27 Jun 19 Will Nirmala signal a change in defence allocations? (English Version) 27 Jun 19 This is not the first time that a minister has handled both defence and finance in the same government. Pranab Mukherjee handled defence and finance at different times under Manmohan Singh, so did Jaswant Singh in the Vajpayee government. Under Modi, Arun Jaitley handled defence and […]

Selective leaks and morale of soldiers The Statesman 25 Jun 19

Selective leaks and morale of soldiers The Statesman 25 Jun 19

Selective leaks and morale of soldiers Selective leaks and morale of soldiers 25 Jun 19 There was an article last week in a leading national newspaper titled, ‘Commanders whose bases breached in terror attacks may be told to quit.’ The writer claimed to be an established defence journalist and obtained his inputs from unnamed sources in the Ministry of Defence […]

Needed a defence minister with guts News4Masses 23 May 19

Needed a defence minister with guts News4Masses 23 May 19

Need Of The Hour – A Gutsy Defence Minister Needed a defence minister with guts News4Masses 23 May 19 The elections have concluded, results are almost out, and government formation will be the next stage. The defence ministry saw the maximum shuffle of ministers in the last government. Jaitley officiated twice as the defence minister, in addition to his finance […]

Failed ordnance factories CENJOWS 21 May 2019

Failed ordnance factories CENJOWS 21 May 2019 Failed ordnance factories CENJOWS 21 May 2019 The army has approached the MoD highlighting increased accidents in peace time firing due to faulty ammunition produced by Ordnance Factories. It has also expressed concern over slippages in supply and development of ammunition by the same factories. This has not been the first time such concerns have been raised. There are […]

Why NFU only to bureaucrats (English Version) Rakshak News 15 May 19

Why NFU only to bureaucrats (English Version) Rakshak News 15 May 19 Why NFU only to bureaucrats? (English Version) Rakshak News 15 May 19 The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), which is directly under the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) issued a letter on 30th Apr, forming a high-level committee to examine the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU). The committee had no representatives from […]

Soldiers and elections (English Version) Rakshak News 08 May 19

Soldiers and elections (English Version) Rakshak News 08 May 19 Soldiers and elections (English Version) Rakshak News 08 May 19 For decades armed forces personnel had almost no voting rights, despite being Indian citizens. They were only permitted to register themselves as service voters and could exercise their franchise through the postal ballot. This exercise was almost a waste as neither ballots reached on time nor could their votes […]

How low can politicians’ stoop News4masses 03 May 19

How low can politicians’ stoop News4masses 03 May 19

How Low Can The Politicians’ Stoop? Elections 2019 How low can politicians’ stoop? News4masses 03 May 19 In a deplorable incident during voting in Jabalpur on 28th April, the army was dragged into an avoidable controversy. Based on the directions of the Supreme Court, army personnel posted in Jabalpur had registered themselves as voters. From the Grenadier Regimental Centre based […]

All politicians must shun politicization of forces The Statesman 23 Apr 19

All politicians must shun politicization of forces The Statesman 23 Apr 19

All politicians must shun politicisation of forces All politicians must shun politicization of forces 23 Apr 19 The recent letter by a group of veterans addressed to the President, who is also the supreme commander of the armed forces, opened a can of worms. The issue addressed by the veterans was ‘politicization of the armed forces.’ Many subsequently raised questions […]