Gifting obsolete armaments (English Version) Rakshak News 03 May 18

Gifting obsolete armaments (English Version) Rakshak News 03 May 18

The defence ministry has informed service headquarters to compile a list of obsolete military equipment and weapon systems so that they can be refurbished and gifted to friendly nations. The intention of the government appears to be to boost defence cooperation with friendly states. It also has a dual purpose of creating repair, spare parts and ammunition facilities in India, […]

Arunachal: the next frontier (English Version) Rakshak News 11 Apr 18

Arunachal: the next frontier (English Version) Rakshak News 11 Apr 18

There have been regular reports of increasing Chinese infrastructure development in Arunachal and India responding with increased deployment in the region. While Doklam was a prolonged standoff, similar incidents of shorter duration are regular in Arunachal and Ladakh. Chinese road infrastructure in Tibet in the area bordering Arunachal has always been far better than ours for multiple reasons, hence his […]

The truth behind the Rafale deal (English Version) Amar Ujala 22 Feb 18

The truth behind the Rafale deal (English Version) Amar Ujala 22 Feb 18

The forthcoming elections in Karnataka has the Congress battling for survival. Thus, with all gloves off, anything and everything is being questioned. The latest to be questioned by the Congress is the Rafale deal. For those not involved in matters concerning national security, this may be an issue aimed to counter the BJP’s claims of scams during the UPA rule. […]

Impact of a weak defence budget (English Version) Rakshak News 06 Feb 18

Impact of a weak defence budget (English Version) Rakshak News 06 Feb 18

Military power determines the standing of a nation in the international domain. A strong military is always respected and nations flock to engage with it. The other elements of power, economic and diplomatic, are only effective if backed by resolute military power. All nations who presently have a strong international standing possess strong militaries. A weak military would never be […]

Remodelling the National Security Council CENJOWS 05 Feb 18

Remodelling the National Security Council CENJOWS 05 Feb 18

The parliamentary committee on external affairs in its report to the government last month, suggested reviving stalled talks with Pakistan. It stated that despite bilateral relations plummeting due to support for terrorism and the treatment meted out to Kulbhushan Jadhav, ‘geopolitical realities’ make such a process a necessity. The present government has been stating that no dialogue is possible without […]

Defence Budget 2018: Sadly, Modi government has let down Indian soldiers’ Daily O 02 Feb 18

Defence Budget 2018: Sadly, Modi government has let down Indian soldiers’ Daily O 02 Feb 18

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his address in the Raisina dialogue was noteworthy and realistic. He stated, ‘The weak don’t survive. The strong survive. You make peace with the strong. You ally with the strong.’ It thus implies that the nation is only as strong as its military is. It is also a well-accepted fact that a nations economic and […]

Why the world wants to engage with India The Statesman 30 Jan 18

Why the world wants to engage with India The Statesman 30 Jan 18

The world is moving towards realpolitik, ignoring previous relations based on history, commonality of religion and humanitarian considerations. India is a growing powerhouse in both economic and military terms and thus is being sought after. It is a market for every nation seeking to expand trade as also a net security provider in the larger Asian region. With this changing […]