Army faces shortfalls in high-end ammunition (English Version) Rakshak News 25 Apr 18

Army faces shortfalls in high-end ammunition (English Version) Rakshak News 25 Apr 18

A report in the press last week stated that the army, in its latest conference of senior officials termed the army commanders conference, deliberated on its holding of ammunition stocks, both in quality and quantity. The army, as per government directives is expected to be prepared for a two-front war, involving both China and Pak operating in collusion. Adding a […]

Army compelled to re-prioritize The Statesman 03 Apr 18

Army compelled to re-prioritize The Statesman 03 Apr 18

Post the furore created over the presentations of the vice chiefs of the three services to the Parliamentary Committee and their submitted report on poor allocation of the defence capital budget, the army chief has been constantly seeking to convey that the army’s preparedness would not suffer, despite lack of funds. In fact, in every interaction with the media, this […]

Towards Joint Commands The Excelsior 30 Mar 18

Towards Joint Commands The Excelsior 30 Mar 18

The defence ministry recently announced new directions to enhance functioning of the two joint commands of the Indian armed forces, the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) and the Strategic Forces Command (SFC). These commands comprise of personnel from the three services who till now operated under their respective service rules and under directions of their respective service Headquarters (HQs), while […]

Misconceptions when Generals speak The Excelsior 26 Mar 18

Misconceptions when Generals speak The Excelsior 26 Mar 18

In a recent seminar on ‘Geo-strategic manifestations in Pakistan and implications for India’ at the Punjab University Chandigarh, army commanders of the Army Training Command (ARTRAC) and Western Command shared their perspectives. The army commander ARTRAC stated, ‘Peace on the border is difficult to achieve at the tactical level alone. Restoring ceasefire requires statesmanship not brinkmanship.’ On the other hand, […]

Stop these attacks on the Indian army Daily O 23 Mar 18

Stop these attacks on the Indian army Daily O 23 Mar 18

In an article in the Business Standard yesterday, Abhijit Iyer Mitra commented that while the budget this year has little for modernization, the fault lies with the army. He defended his argument with examples, most of which were misplaced and ill-founded. In fact, the entire piece appeared to be written without any tactical or strategic knowledge, inputs based on incomplete […]

Is the government deliberately seeking to humble the armed forces? (English Version) Rakshak News 21 Mar 18

Is the government deliberately seeking to humble the armed forces? (English Version) Rakshak News 21 Mar 18

In a recent reply to a question raised by Mr Chandrashekar, a Rajya Sabha MP, on whether the government was considering grant of Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) for the armed forces, the MoS Defence replied in the negative, stating that the case was sub judice. In the meanwhile, there has been no action on the part of the MoD to even […]

Indian army is facing a serious shortage of funds: Is the government listening? Daily O 15 Mar 18

Indian army is facing a serious shortage of funds: Is the government listening? Daily O 15 Mar 18

Both army chief General Bipin Rawat and vice chief of the army, General Sarath Chand, have through various platforms expressed frustration over money allocated in the union budget to the defence sector. The army generals have complained that the allocation hardly leaves anything for modernization and upkeep of the forces. In fact, it did not even cater for inflationary growth. […]

Army and development of remote areas (English Version) Rakshak News 14 Mar 18

Army and development of remote areas (English Version) Rakshak News 14 Mar 18

The army chief, General Bipin Rawat, stated in a seminar recently that the army plays a significant role in nation building. He added that a reasonable part of the defence budget is employed for development and providing facilities in remote areas. In most border regions, it is the army alone, which is closer to the locals living there, hence provides […]