Bureaucracy targets another military institution The Statesman 25 Dec 18

Bureaucracy targets another military institution The Statesman 25 Dec 18

Bureaucracy targets another military institution Bureaucracy targets another military institution 25 Dec 18 The Canteen Stores Department (CSD) had been established in 1948 by an act of parliament alongside the Navy canteen services. The reason for its creation was to provide military personnel with their basic needs, despite remoteness of their location. It initially commenced with a few items in […]

Trump’s policies are unreliable and enhance risks of failure CENJOWS 24 Dec 18

Trump’s policies are unreliable and enhance risks of failure CENJOWS 24 Dec 18

https://cenjows.gov.in/article-detail?id=128 Trump’s policies are unreliable and enhance risks of failure CENJOWS 24 Dec 18 Trump’s unilateral decision to pull out of Syria and reduce the strength of US forces in Afghanistan would have repercussions not only in the US, but across the globe. It would severely impinge both Syria and Afghanistan as also hammer nails into the reliability of the […]

Do recent elections convey a positive message to the military community (English version) Rakshak News 19 Dec 18

Do recent elections convey a positive message to the military community (English version) Rakshak News 19 Dec 18

http://www.rakshaknews.com/vishesh/how-much-better-will-the-military-communitys-recent-election-results Do recent elections convey a positive message to the military community (English version) Rakshak News 19 Dec 18 The recent state assembly elections had the ruling BJP lose ground to the Congress. Statistically the figures may project a different picture when percentage of votes, anti-incumbency factors and margins of defeat are considered. The reality remains that the party lost […]

Is Pak being pressurized to change its approach towards India CENJOWS 18 Dec 18

Is Pak being pressurized to change its approach towards India CENJOWS 18 Dec 18

https://cenjows.gov.in/article-detail?id=126 Is Pak being pressurized to change its approach towards India? CENJOWS 18 Dec 18 There have suddenly been multiple overtures from Pak to India, seeking to mend fences and recommence dialogue. These have flowed from Imran Khan and the spokesperson of their army, quoting their army chief. During the ground-breaking ceremony of the Kartarpur corridor on the Pak side, […]

So, what’s wrong with beating our chests The Statesman 18 Dec 18

So, what’s wrong with beating our chests The Statesman 18 Dec 18

So, what’s wrong with beating our chests? So, what’s wrong with beating our chests? 18 Dec 18 At the recently concluded Chandigarh Military Literature Festival, the former army commander who oversaw the surgical strikes, Lt Gen Hooda stated, ‘I do think there was too much hype over it. The military operation was important, and we had to do it. Now […]

Does growing India-US relationship enhance our security CENJOWS 12 Dec 18

Does growing India-US relationship enhance our security CENJOWS 12 Dec 18

https://cenjows.gov.in/article-detail?id=125 Does growing India-US relationship enhance our security CENJOWS 12 Dec 18 The India-US strategic relationship is moving at a pace must faster than envisaged. The signing of the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), which opened doors for providing refuelling and replenishment in designated military facilities was the first step taken by India indicating it favouring the US camp. […]

Navjot Sidhu, Pakistan and India (English Version) 12 Dec 18 Rakshak News

Navjot Sidhu, Pakistan and India (English Version) 12 Dec 18 Rakshak News

http://www.rakshaknews.com/vishesh/navjot-sidhu-pakistan-and-india Navjot Sidhu, Pakistan and India (English Version) 12 Dec 18 Rakshak News Since Imran Khan took over the reins of Pak, Navjot Sidhu has visited the country twice. The first was the swearing in of Imran, where he was seen hugging General Bajwa, the Pak army chief. The criticism for the hugging crossed party lines. Navjot defended his actions […]

Midway to a CDS ORF 11 Dec 18

Midway to a CDS ORF 11 Dec 18

https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/midway-cds-46134/ Midway to a CDS ORF 11 Dec 18 In his pre-Navy Day interview, the Chief of Naval Staff and Chairman Chief’s of Staff Committee (COSC), Admiral Sunil Lanba stated that while the three services have differences on the establishment of theatre commands, they have agreed in principle on the appointment of a Permanent Chairman of the COSC (PCCOSC). In […]